The HCCJM holds in common the following principles which are fundamental to all Christian faiths and necessary for carrying out our mission:
God, creator of all that is seen and unseen, loves
all men and desires fellowship with them. For this reason, He came to Earth through the power of the Holy Spirit, in union with the Virgin Mary, to redeem mankind through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
God's truth is revealed to man through the inerrant
words of the Holy Bible that have been preserved for teaching, rebuking, and training in righteousness, that every person will be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Only by believing on the name of Jesus can we fill the void in our hearts and become fully alive, turning away from a life of disobedience and receiving the promise of God's redemptive plan. This change of life is expressed through baptism in the name of Jesus, who is the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God desires that we demonstrate our love for Him by our obedience to Him and in the way we treat ourĀ
fellow man. He has instructed us to take the message of His love and salvation to the entire world, even to those who are incarcerated.
HCCJM, Inc. 1413 Overlook Way, Bel Air,Maryland 21014