Overcomers In Christ:
The Overcomers In Christ
program is the flagship program
of the HCCJM. It is a Christ-
centered program hosted by
our volunteers to incarcerated
men and women and to those in
our community. OIC helps individuals overcome all types of addictive or dysfunctional behavior such as alcohol, drugs, sex, and gambling. The teaching method is inductive and interactive, involving comment and sharing from each participant. The resources used are prayer, scripture, and basic life principles from the Overcomers manual. Each week is devoted to examining, in the light of Biblical precepts, an attitude or faith commitment (goal) necessary for recovery to take place and be maintained. For further information on the Overcomers In Christ Program please click on the OIC logo link above.
HCCJM, Inc. 1413 Overlook Way, Bel Air,Maryland 21014
Christian Materials:
Through tax exempt donations to the ministry, HCCJM makes available Bibles, Overcomers Manuals, books and other religious reading materials for use by the inmates and the Chaplains. We have also provided a baptistry in the Harford County Detention Center where to date more than 350 inmates have been baptized.
We realize that jailhouse religion is often left behind bars after release. We have men and women trained to mentor those behind bars who have accepted Jesus. Our program is designed to sustain their Christian commitment during the transition back into society. Our goal is to get them involved in a local Church and a personal ministry.
Family Outreach:
When we begin mentoring an individual, we also seek to establish a relationship with their family. This helps bring about reconciliation and pave the way for restoration to society. Further, it gives us the opportunity to minister the Gospel to family members.
Worship Services and Bible Studies:
HCCJM volunteers participate with the Chaplain and other local Churches to provide worship services and Bible studies in the jail. This is a means for us to minister the Gospel to inmates and build up their faith. It provides additional opportunities for us to identify individuals for enrollment in our aftercare program.
Gabriel's Gift
In 2006 we launched this program to provide gifts to children of incarcerated family members. You may have heard of the Angel Tree program of Chuck Colson's Prison Fellowship Ministry. Gabriel's gift is a similar program operating at the community level in our local detention center. We do this to demonstrate the love of God to family members in their time of need. It also gives us the opportunity to show them that the greatest gift from God which is eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ. If you would like to participate click on the Contact Us button above.
Community Service
We recognize the importance of giving to others as part of recovery. Our mentors encourage each protegee to become involved in a personal ministry.